Wednesday 29 June 2011

Oral History Interviews

Over the last two weeks I've been interviewing people who were involved in the campaign against the poll tax, so thank you very much if you're reading this and you participated! It's been really interesting and I've been getting some different perspectives on the campaign, which mainly seem to stem from whichever Leftist group the interviewee was, or is still, part of. So far most of the people I have interviewed were already active on the Left when the poll tax was implemented.

At the moment the thing that really stands out is that they all emphasise the importance of community action, but also maintain that the campaign seems to have been led and organised locally by core groups of activists more than general community members.

It would be great to hear from some community members who were less politically active before the poll tax to see if they share this perspective.  

Over the next few days I aim to go through the material I've got so far, and to write a more detailed post on the interviews. Please bear with me!

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