Monday 30 May 2011

Birmingham Federation of Anti-Poll Tax Unions

I’m currently researching the Birmingham Anti-Poll Tax Federation. In November 1989 the All-Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation met and Tommy Sheridan greeted 2,000 delegates. Across the UK Anti-Poll Tax Federations were set up coordinating local action against the Poll Tax, even informally overseeing smaller Anti-Poll Tax Unions.
I know there was a Birmingham Anti-Poll Tax Federation, but I want to know more about it. How large was the influence of Militant and other Leftist groups? Did it oversee smaller unions? What did the Birmingham Federation do? I know it organised campaigning; organising petitions and handing out leaflets, but I want to know more.
If you were a member of the Birmingham Anti-Poll Tax Federation or of a Anti-Poll Tax Union elsewhere in Birmingham, please get in touch.

This membership card was sent to me by Chris Shelley. As you can see the Federation was committed to non-payment. Chris made the point that he never got round to putting his name on his membership card, despite the campaigning he did for the movement.

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